Configuring LTD Keeper on Kubernetes

In a production deployment, Keeper is configured entirely through environment variables (see in the Keeper repo). The pod template files set these environment variables through Kubernetes Secrets and ConfigMaps. See the env section in kubernetes/keeper-pod.yaml, for example.

The Keeper Git repository includes four configuration templates:

  1. kubernetes/keeper-config.template.yaml creates a ConfigMap resource named keeper-config and is used for non-secure Keeper Flask web app configurations.

  2. kubernetes/keeper-secrets.template.yaml creates a Secret resource named keeper-secrets and is used to configure the Keeper Flask web app.

  3. kubernetes/ssl-proxy-secrets.template.yaml creates a Secret resource named ssl-proxy-secret and is used to supply TLS certs to the Nginx proxy service.

  4. kubernetes/cloudsql-secrets creates a Secret resource named cloudsql-secrets containing credentials for the Google Cloud SQL instance.

Using the secrets

The best way to maintain configurations is copy the configuration templates and modify them. Since the staging and production environments might have different secrets, we recommend maintaining both -prod and -staging files:

cp kubernetes/keeper-config.template.yaml kubernetes/keeper-config-prod.yaml
cp kubernetes/keeper-config.template.yaml kubernetes/keeper-config-staging.yaml
cp kubernetes/keeper-secrets.template.yaml kubernetes/keeper-secrets-prod.yaml
cp kubernetes/keeper-secrets.template.yaml kubernetes/keeper-secrets-staging.yaml
cp kubernetes/ssl-proxy-secrets.template.yaml kubernetes/ssl-proxy-secrets-prod.yaml
cp kubernetes/ssl-proxy-secrets.template.yaml kubernetes/ssl-proxy-secrets-staging.yaml
cp kubernetes/cloudsql-secrets.template.yaml kubernetes/cloudsql-secrets-prod.yaml
cp kubernetes/cloudsql-secrets.template.yaml kubernetes/cloudsql-secrets-staging.yaml

These configuration files are automatically ignored by Git.

Setting and deploying secrets

Secrets are set as key-value pairs in the data field of secrets YAML files. For example:

apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
  name: keeper-secrets
type: Opaque
  secret-key: aGVsbG8td29ybGQ=
  # ...

A Pod template file can reference this secret named secret-key in this keeper-secrets resource as:

apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
# ...
    - name: uwsgi
      # ...
        - name: LTD_KEEPER_SECRET_KEY
              name: keeper-secrets
              key: secret-key
        # ...

Now the environment variable LTD_KEEPER_SECRET_KEY in the uwsgi container has the value from secret-key.

Encoding secrets

The values of secrets in the Secrets YAML files must be base64 encoded. A convenient command for encoding a string (and copying it to the clipboard on OS X) is

echo -n "secret-value" | base64 | pbcopy

To encode a file:

base64 -i secret.key | pbcopy

Two recommendations for working with secrets files:

  1. Do not work with YAML files directly in the Keeper Git repository; copy them out of the repo first into a working directory.

  2. In the edited *-secrets.yaml file it can be useful to added the un-encoded value as a comment.

Deploying secrets

If the secrets file is named secrets.yaml, it can be deployed with kubectl:

kubectl create -f secrets.yaml

You can review deployed secrets with:

kubectl get secrets

And remove it:

kubectl delete secret SECRETS_NAME

Note that containers, and other Kubernetes resources, only get secrets when they are first deployed. You need to re-deploy the Pod to update environment variables in a container.

keeper-config reference

The keeper-config resource (kubernetes/keeper-config.template.yaml) provides non-secure configurations for the Flask app.


The externally-facing domain name of the Keeper API server (for example, For a Kubernetes deployment this is the domain name attached to the external IP of the Ingress resource. Use for staging deployments.


Configuration profile for the Flask app. This should be 'production' for any Kubernetes deployment, even a staging deployment.


Configuration profile for the Flask app. URL scheme for the Flask App. Should be 'https' since the Kubernetes deployment uses a TLS-terminating ingress proxy.


Cluster URL of the LTD Dasher app. This is determined by the Dasher app’s service, and defaults to 'http://dasher:3031 Configuration profile for the Flask app. URL scheme for the Flask App. Should be ``'https' since the Kubernetes deployment uses a TLS-terminating ingress proxy.

keeper-secrets reference

The keeper-secrets resource (kubernetes/keeper-secrets.template.yaml) provides secure configurations for the Flask app.


The secret key for authentication.


Amazon Web Services key ID. This key must have access to AWS Route 53 and S3 for the documentation domains and storage bucket, respectively, used by LSST the Docs.


Amazon Web Services secret corresponding to LTD_KEEPER_AWS_ID.


Fastly service ID.


Fastly API key.


Username of the initial user for bootstrapping a Keeper DB. This bootstrap user is granted full API permissions.


Password for the bootstrap user.


URL of Keeper’s SQL database. For a Cloud SQL instance, this URL has the form:


Replace PASSWORD with the database password (see Configure Google Cloud SQL), along with PROJECT and REGION with the Cloud SQL instance details (see Setting up a Google Kubernetes Engine Cluster and doc:gke-cloudsql`). Remember that this is a URI, so any unusual characters (particularly in the password) must be escaped/quoted. Python’s urllib.parse.quote can help prepare a URL. See the SQLAlchemy Database Urls docs for more information.

Finally, note that we recommend the pymysql ‘dialect’ MySQL. The PyMySQL package is automatically installed with LTD Keeper in its docker container.

cloudsql-secrets reference

This section describes kubernetes/cloudsql-secrets.yaml, which provides the cloudsql-secrets resource.


This is a base64-encoded JSON service account credential file. A Google Cloud Platform Service Account was created earlier in Configure Google Cloud SQL.

base64 -i credentials.json | pbcopy

Further documentation for the Cloud SQL Proxy can be found in the repository’s README.

ssl-proxy-secret reference

This section describes the kubernetes/ssl-proxy-secrets.template.yaml, which provides ssl-proxy-secret to the ssl-proxy pods. These secrets includes the SSL certificate, SSL private key, and a DHE parameter.


The SSL certificate (combined with the intermediate). Encode this value with:

base64 -i example_org.crt | pbcopy

The SSL private key.

base64 -i example_org.key | pbcopy

The DHE parameter.

openssl dhparam -out dhparam.pem 2048
base64 -i dhparam.pem